Tête Talk: Frédéric Van Damme - The MORIS Company

A black box holds all the knowledge and information about a journey. You could say the same thing about us, at BLACKBOXX. That is why we regularly organise a ‘tête-à-tête’ with one of our members, so we can share their knowledge with the world. This time we had a talk with Frédéric Van Damme of The MORIS Company.

BLACKBOXX MEMBERS Moris Company 4 B1 A6163 WEB
Who is Frédéric Van Damme? Describe yourself in a few words.

Frédéric: “Gosh, that's always hard to say about yourself (laughs)! What friends say most about me is that I am enthusiastic, cheerful and smiley. So feel free to call me a source of positive energy. I am also very empathetic. I come from a medical family and worked in the medical world. I studied to be a nurse and ended up in HR, people are clearly the common thread through my life.”
“So positive, empathetic and people-oriented sums it up nicely.”

What is The MORIS Company all about? What is your added value in the world and what does the future look like for your sector?

Frédéric: “We are an HR partner, but not the traditional kind. We are a digital and instant HR partner. We ensure that the HR department has more time to work with the people themselves through the implementation of HR technology. We will map, optimise and simplify the processes and see which ones we can digitalise. We also help with the implementation and adoption, so that the tools are actually used in the end. Embrace technology! It’s here to stay and it saves time that you can use to work with people, which should be the core of HR. It‘s important that the time gained is used to benefit the people within an organisation, it works if they dare to embrace technology.
Our customer is the typical SME of 3 to 4 people to teams of 200 people.
As far as the future of HR is concerned, this digitisation will only continue to grow. For example, we see the emergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) games for recruitment. This allows you for example to target certain soft skills and determine the match with the company DNA. ”

What knowledge or skills do you bring to the table?

Frédéric: “I feel confident to call myself a change agent. I guide people through change. You need to know how to listen to employees and then get them involved in the story. This is also an important characteristic of working at The MORIS Company yourself, you need to be able to bring about change. ”

What would you talk about over a drink at Bar Noir today?

Frédéric: “If my companion would have their own business, I would ask about the involvement of their people. Many people have now been working from home for more than a year and have a lot of time to reflect on their job. It is therefore important to continue to communicate with them and monitor their involvement. I would even recommend over-communicating right now.”

What inspired you recently?

Frédéric: “As far as The MORIS Company is concerned, the enthusiastic reactions to our innovative concept are particularly motivating! Furthermore, I am always inspired by water. The sea is my passion, but the dock here at BLACKBOXX also provides me with daily inspiration. Water looks different every day: different light, different intensity of movement ... One day it’s completely still, the other it’s turbulent again. For me water always feels a bit like coming home because of my link with the sea.”